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Leading TV broadcasters in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2017, by audience share*

This statistic displays a ranking of TV broadcasters in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2017, by share of TV audience. BBC held the largest audience share, with 31.57 percent of total viewing. For the fiscal year 2016, the public service broadcaster stated an annual income totaling 4.96 billion British pounds, of which 3.79 billion came from license fee income. As of quarter four 2017, BBC's flagship channel BBC 1 was the leading TV channel in the UK in terms of reach, while BBC News was the leading television news channel. Broadcasters ITV and Channel 4 had the second and third highest audience share in the UK in the period of consideration, with 21.71 percent and 10.23 percent, respectively.
Television And Radio Announcing Pdf Reader

Press, wrote U.S. Television journalist Bill Moyers in the early 1990s, should draw citizens to the public square and “provide a culture of community conversation by activating inquiry on serious public issues.”2 In new democracies, the expectation is that the media would help build a civic culture and a tradition of discussion and debate which.

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Leading TV broadcasters in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2017, by audience share*

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Share of audience*
BBC 31.57%
ITV 21.71%
Channel 4 10.23%
BSkyB 8.26%
Channel 5 6.53%
UK Channel Management Ltd. 5.39%
Discovery Corporate Services 2.3%
CBS AMC Networks 1.45%
Entertainment Networks 1.27%
CSC Media Group Ltd. 1.24%
NBC Universal 0.92%
Nickelodeon UK 0.9%
A+E Networks UK 0.72%
Turner BSE Ltd. 0.66%
Comedy Central 0.63%
BT Sport 0.63%
Walt Disney Co. 0.6%
Scripps Network International 0.47%
Box Television Ltd. 0.39%
MTV Networks Europe 0.37%
Indiacast UK Ltd. 0.14%
Asia TV Ltd. 0.07%
AATW Ltd. 0.07%
Share of audience*
BBC 31.57%
ITV 21.71%
Channel 4 10.23%
BSkyB 8.26%
Channel 5 6.53%
UK Channel Management Ltd. 5.39%
Discovery Corporate Services 2.3%
CBS AMC Networks 1.45%
Entertainment Networks 1.27%
CSC Media Group Ltd. 1.24%
NBC Universal 0.92%
Nickelodeon UK 0.9%
A+E Networks UK 0.72%
Turner BSE Ltd. 0.66%
Comedy Central 0.63%
BT Sport 0.63%
Walt Disney Co. 0.6%
Scripps Network International 0.47%
Box Television Ltd. 0.39%
MTV Networks Europe 0.37%
Indiacast UK Ltd. 0.14%
Asia TV Ltd. 0.07%
AATW Ltd. 0.07%

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Source: BARB

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This statistic displays a ranking of TV broadcasters in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2017, by share of TV audience. BBC held the largest audience share, with 31.57 percent of total viewing. For the fiscal year 2016, the public service broadcaster stated an annual income totaling 4.96 billion British pounds, of which 3.79 billion came from license fee income. As of quarter four 2017, BBC's flagship channel BBC 1 was the leading TV channel in the UK in terms of reach, while BBC News was the leading television news channel. Broadcasters ITV and Channel 4 had the second and third highest audience share in the UK in the period of consideration, with 21.71 percent and 10.23 percent, respectively.
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Release date
March 2018
United Kingdom
Survey time period
Supplementary notes
* The source defined audience share as: 'annual percentage share of total viewing.'
The broadcasters listed all own four or more BARB reported channels.
For additional information regarding methodology, see here.
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As a Premium user you get access to the detailed source references and background information about this statistic.
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Release date
March 2018
United Kingdom
Survey time period
Supplementary notes
* The source defined audience share as: 'annual percentage share of total viewing.'
The broadcasters listed all own four or more BARB reported channels.
For additional information regarding methodology, see here.

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