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Memory Booster, from Rizonsoft, is a differnt take on the standard memry boosting app. Nvidia 3dtv play crack keygen serial download. It does not force any memory out of your RAM as most other RAM optimizers do, but it works differently, making a safe Windows API call, which tells Windows to clean up the workspace of all processes, thereby freeing up memory processes no longer needs (Clear Processes Working Set).

  1. Computer Memory Booster
  2. Memory Booster Games Free Download
  3. Driver Booster Download Free

The app helps improve the speed and the stability of your system, by periodically cleaning up processes. Although this method does not free up a large amount of RAM, instead, it improves the stability and performance of your computer.

Computer Memory Booster

Memory Booster Free DownloadDownload

A nice feature of Memory Booster is that it scans processes that are trying to obtain large amounts of processing power. When it locates them it will set the priority from above normal, back to normal. This, in turn, frees up some needed processing power.

Memory Booster Games Free Download

Overall, Memory Booster is ok, for a freeware app that doesn't claim to free up masses of RAM, rather improve stability and performance. It is lightweight, and easy to navigate by users of all levels of expertise.

Driver Booster Download Free

Sep 11, 2016  Memory Booster, from Rizonsoft, is a differnt take on the standard memry boosting app. It does not force any memory out of your RAM as most other RAM optimizers do, but it works differently, making a safe Windows API call, which tells Windows to clean up the workspace of all processes, thereby freeing up memory processes no longer needs (Clear Processes Working Set).