Hare Kkaanch Ki Choodiyaan is an Indian television drama cum thriller serial first telecasted on Sahara One Channel. It was first aired on 25th July 2005 and ended on 11th December 2006. This serial illustrates a story about simple girl from middle-class family named Shyamli (acted by Snigdha Akolkar) and her gradual transformation in to strengthen women. It’s a story of Shyamli who gets pregnant at a very young age, her journey of life where she finds lots of obstacles and resistance in her way. She suffers a lot because of the mistake done by her. When she walked out of her house, people use to taunt her, passes bad comments about her and calling her with different names like she is a slut. How her journey of life becomes worse than a hell because of the conservative and orthodox mentality of several people.
The 80s was the era of Doordarshan with soaps like Hum Log, Buniyaad and comedy shows like Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi which made Doordarshan a household name. Circus, Gul Gulshan Gulfam and Nukkad are some of the serials that come instantly to my mind when I think of the good old days of Doordarshan. The 80s was the era of Doordarshan with soaps like Hum Log, Buniyaad and comedy shows like Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi which made Doordarshan a household name. Circus, Gul Gulshan Gulfam and Nukkad are some of the serials that come instantly to my mind when I think of the good old days of Doordarshan.
It is a story about her determination, confidence, and attitude to avoid inevitable humiliation. How she managed to walk away from those troubles and problems occurred in her life due to the mistake she committed. How she gets over with humiliation and stands tall in her feet. She often becomes the victim of worst situations but every time she wakes up from ground to pinnacle facing every trouble and challenges putting in front of her and emerged as a star. She believes that challenges and opportunities are always motivating friends of a consistent winner and she proved it various times in her life. Mosh mcqueen mp3 download free. Hare Kkaanch Ki Choodiyaan is a story of her emotions, love and revenge of young teen girl. This serial generated lots of viewership and earned desired television rating points as expected. It was a family drama along with lots sentiments twists and turns which kept the audience of this serial to stick in their couch. This serial is a unique collection of drama and thriller.
Hare Kanch Ki Chudiyan Serial Cast 2016
Hare Kanch Ki Chudiyan Serial Cast List
(25th July 2005 – 11th December 2006)