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TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS all readings in ft. Year Engine Displacement Liters (VIN) Cylinder Head Bolts Main Bearing Bolts Rod Bearing Bolts Crankshaft Damper Bolts Flywheel Bolts Manifold Spark Plugs Oil Pan Drain Plug Intake Exhaust 2000: 4.4 (M62)-NS-25: 77-7. Schlachter 2000 bible pdf.

Hi Gang,
I've searched through every web site I can think of looking for a genuine repair manual for our cars, and I've come up with nothing

Bmw Torque Specs Pdf File Size

I've found the Chilton manual for all BMW models from 1970 to 1988 but my shark is an 89, and I'd hate to buy the thing just to find out that it's one of those watered down manuals (because it's covering too many models) that really doesn't cover everything.

Bmw E90 Torque Specs

I've found the Mobile CD for the 635 but there's a problem with the ram and Adobe connected to it.
Bmw Torque Specs Pdf FileI've found a CD for 170.00 that claims it specifically covers the 635 but what I really want is a good old fashioned manual. Something I can hold and flip through while I'm standing over the engine bay.

Bmw Torque Specs Pdf File Free

I refuse to believe that BMW never created a shop manual for these cars. There has to be some type of manual somewhere. I'm not interested in the Bentley manual that covers the 5-series even though there very similar to the 6-series.
I realize the similarities, but I don't like to work with similarities when I'm getting ready to tear an engine apart, or chase some freaky electrical abnormality. I need absolution, and I can only get that from a manual that was written specifically for the vehicle I?m working on.
Does anyone have a lead on a genuine shop, service, or repair manual for the E24?
Thanks in advance... Ciao