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It all started with this thread
Some research was done which seemed to suggest that the effects of a nanab berry last more than one capture attempt. If true, this meant that on your next throw, you could use a golden razz berry while still exploiting the effects of the nanab berry. For people who could hit the boss anyway, this would make no difference. However, it would be beneficial for those who had trouble hitting the boss.
The point of the trick is it helps you land a better golden razz berry throw if you don't know how to time your throws after an attack since the boss would attack less often.
Now Prodigies Nation posted a video in which he seems to completely misunderstand the logic behind the 'trick'. He uses a nanab followed by a golden razz and waits for the boss to attack thereby invalidating the 'trick'. He makes it seem like alternating the berries produces some exploit which actually boosts the catch rate of the legendary. His throwing is actually pretty good so he catches a bunch of them anyway but incorrectly attributes his success to a trick that he didn't even correctly execute.
The point of throwing the nanab first is it makes the boss attack less frequently (the 'trick' being it may still attack less frequently after switching to a golden razz). To then wait for it to attack defeats the whole purpose of using the nanab berry in the first place.
Unfortunately, now many people around the world think that there is some inherent bonus for alternating berries and this is actually detrimental to their capture efforts as they could have been using golden razzes instead.
Schaps Eric Moskowitz Joel M
Yeah some people think it worked for them. It's just confirmation bias. For every person out there it worked for, there are 10 others who lost out because of it.
Unfortunately, the rumour has spread like wildfire and is now so pervasive that someone mentions it at every raid. I doubt the rumour will die any time soon but I urge you all to try and stay informed and spread the truth as much as possible.